At St John’s, teaching literacy skills is a priority. Our students engage with purposeful listening, reading, viewing, speaking and writing activities everyday. Students learn new vocabulary through listening and reading and apply their knowledge and understanding in their speaking and writing, as well as in their comprehension of both spoken and written texts.
Structuring Literacy Lessons at St John's
- Explicit whole class teaching of reading and writing skills
- Focus group teaching to target individual learning needs
- Weekly targeted spelling program
- Phonics based reading and writing
- Regular and ongoing Assessment of English skills
Learning in Literacy is supported by:
6+1 Writing Traits
Intervention programs including Reading Recovery
Extension programs
Public Speaking opportunities
Celebrating Literacy and Numeracy Week and Book Week
Extensive Resource Centre (Library)
ICT devices and Google Apps For Education
Reading Eggs/Eggspress - online programs to target specific learning goals