Education in Faith
St John's is a vibrant place of passionate people who are proud to be a part of this faith community. St John's school community is committed to Catholic faith through action.
As a Catholic School, St John’s is a learning community characterised by its authentic witness to faith in Jesus Christ, and its capacity to offer that witness in genuine dialogue with contemporary, multi -faith, multi-cultural society.
Education in Faith is embedded in all aspects of school life.
The spiritual lives of students and staff at St John’s School is nourished by participation in frequent and regular prayer and liturgy. In collaboration with St John’s Parish, students at St John’s School are encouraged to participate in opportunities to undertake sacramental preparation.
St John’s School is attentive to the concerns and needs of members of its community, as well as to those of the local and global communities in which it is situated. St John’s School is involved in Social Justice initiatives in light of the Gospels and Catholic Social Teaching.
Our catholic identity and culture is enhanced through:
- Religious Education Curriculum which is taught with the Victorian Curriculum.
- Daily Christian Meditation and prayer
- Whole school and class liturgies
- Fortnightly school assemblies
- Sacramental programs - family focused, parish based and school supported
- A student social justice team
- Taking action by supporting community and charity projects