Physical Education and Health
At St John's we offer our students a rich and engaging Physical Education Program. We develop their knowledge, understanding and skills to strengthen their sense of self, to make healthy choices and take actions to promote their own safety, health and physical activity participation.
Central to Health and Physical Education is the acquisition of movement skills, concepts and strategies to enable our students to confidently, competently and creatively participate in a range of physical activities, games and sports.
We foster an enjoyment of physical education to ensure lifelong participation in recreational activity. Students develop proficiency in movement skills and concepts, to acquire an understanding of how their body moves, to develop an appreciation of the significance of physical activity, outdoor recreation and sport, throughout their lives.
Our Physical Education Program includes:
- 2 weekly dedicated Physical Education lessons
- Fundamental Motor Skills Program
- Whole School Twilight Sports Carnival
- Swimming and Water Safety Program
- Variety of sports grounds, play spaces and facilities
- Interschool Sports Program
- Athletics Training
- Running Club
Twilight Sports Carnival
What an absolute pleasure it is to be a part of such a fantastic night filled with community spirit, great sportsmanship and teamwork. The Twilight Sports brings the community together to watch the wonderful athletes, our committed students, that we have here at St. John's.
Our students put on an almighty show with their grit and determination in both the track and field events, demonstrating the skills that they have been learning and practicing for weeks in their PE classes.
The cheering from all four teams is always deafening and the enthusiasm of the students is encouraged by our staff, who are great supporters and role models on the night.
The St. John's staff show great commitment to this event, with their support and care for our students. They run along with students, modeling their skills and even the Principal joins in, leaping hurdles, to ensure the students feel at ease during the events.
We greatly appreciate all of the parent volunteers who help throughout the evening and the wonderful organisational skills of our Physical Education Teacher.